Back and Torso Braces and Supports
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Back-n-Black - Lumbar Support
Back-n-Black with Dual Panels - Lumbar Support
Back-n-Black Low Profile - Lumbar Support
Chronic/acute low back pain
Lumbar muscle strains
Postural support
Chronic/acute low back pain
Degenerative disc disease
Lumbar muscle strains
Lumbar ligamentous sprains
Post-op lumbar stabilization
Postural support
Post-op lumbar stabilization
Degenerative disc disease
Ligamentous sprains
Muscle strains of lumbar spine
Sacroiliac (S.I.) Belt - Lumbar Support
Stress or discomfort of SI joints
Universal Elastic Rib Belt
Compression around the ribs
Thoracic and lumbar support
Lumbo Thoracic (LT) - Lumbar Support
Loving Comfort/Mother-To-Be Maternity
Pelvic stabilization
Back, abdominal and leg pain
Spina II Lightweight Plastic Spinal Orthosis
Various Sizes
Men's and women's models
Spina II Knight-Taylor Spinal Orthosis
Various Sizes
Men's and women's models
Universal Elastic Abdominal Binder
Muscle tension
Muscle spasms
Archimed - Spinal Brace
Effective Thermoplastic Lumbo-Sacral Orthosis
Chronic/acute low back pain
Lumbar muscle strains
Postural support
Moldable Inserts
Back-n-Black with Thermo Pockets
Chronic/acute low back pain
Lumbar muscle strains
Postural support
TC-300 Dorsotech Dorsolumbar Brace
Stable osteoporotic fracture
Muscle weakness
Scheuermann’s juvenile kyphosis
Kyphosis with back pain
Vertebral misalignments
Postural rehabilitation
Loving Comfort Postpartum Support
Abdominal support after delivery
C-section or other birth
A-131 Maternity Back Support
To relieve lumbago during pregnancy.
Mechanical effect: the regulation of the compression contributes to the control of the hyperlordosis normally found in pregnant women during the last months of pregnancy.
Jewett Sternotech Articulated Brace
Compression fractures
Chronic Lumbalgia
Post-surgical care
Exo-Lite Universal Back Brace
Mild lower back pain.
Moderate lower back strains and sprains.
Ideal for pulled or weak muscles.
Lumbitron Elite Duo Semi-Rigid Back Support
Degenerative processes
Muscle weakness
Pre- and post-surgical treaments
Spinal disc herniation
Spondylolysis and Spondyloarthrosis
ACE609 Evolutive Lumbar Belt
Acute lower back pain.
Herniated disk.
Postoperative or post-traumatic recovery.
EV-300 Semi-Rigid Lumbar Back Support
Degenerative processes
Weak and atonic muscles
Pre- and post-surgical treatment
Disc hernia
O-104 Navel Truss
Reduction of umbilical hernias.
Good compression on the navel area.
O-105 Navel Truss
Reduction of umbilical hernias.
Good compression on the navel area.