
Foot drop, gait deviation secondary to proprioceptive deficit (either unstable or lowtone gait), toe-walker with no mid-foot collapse, low tone crouch gait, Spina Bifida, Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, MMC.
Lacking ROM towards dorsiflexion (need at least 5°dorsiflexion past neutral), very rigid foot structure, quadriceps spasticity, fixed postural genu valgum or genu varum, fixed postural pes valgus or pes varus. Knee hyperextension that can not be orthotically managed.
KiddieGAIT®should always be worn with a soft interface between the leg and the anterior shell. A non-skid interface attached to the footplate will help prevent any plastic orthotic addition from damaging the carbon composite footplate. SoftKIT™ interfaces and SoftSHELLs are sold separately. See "Accessories/Replacement Parts" for more information. More about product selection and customization can be found in the Allard AFO Professional Instructions.
Start off on the right foot - give toddlers an orthosis that will allow their little feet to move in a more fluid and natural biomechanical gait pattern.

Carbon composite with anterior shell, lateral strut, and an engineered footplate with open calcaneus. Designed to allow integration of your custom foot orthotic to help control ground-up forces. Anterior shell to assist in management of proximal deficits by helping to manage either knee hyperextension or crouch gait.
KiddeGAIT® - without Interface
Size Height
Left Right
Baby Small 6" 4 1/4" 1/4"  AUSA283721008 AUSA283722008
Baby Medium 7" 5" 1/4" AUSA283721009 AUSA283722009
Baby Large 7 3/4" 5 1/2" 5/16" AUSA283721010 AUSA283722010
Small 8 5/8" 6 1/4" 5/16" AUSA289011011 AUSA289012011
Medium 10 1/8" 7 1/16" 3/8" AUSA289011012 AUSA289012012
Large 11 5/8" 7 7/8" 3/8" AUSA289011013 AUSA289012013
X-Large 12 3/8" 8 1/4" 3/8" AUSA289011014 AUSA289012014
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